
Because value—like science—matters more than your opinion!
Because value—like science—matters more than your opinion!


Announcing a New Holiday!!! December 12, 2023 (from November 2023)

December 12th should already be a holiday.  It’s Frank Sinatra’s birthday.  But the day will now become an actual holiday—one that Hallmark will not make cards for.   This year—and every year thereafter—December 12th will be known as National “Sibling Get... Read More

Are you ready to read this?? (from December 2022)

The most important thing you need to read before we get too deep in the holiday season… In the book How To Be Old there is an epilogue containing information on “aging subjects” that didn’t get a chapter of their... Read More

Whatever Happened to ‘Stealtown’ Entertainment?

(Part Two of Two) Before I share the one useful thing that Steeltown Entertainment did, let me share a story.  On occasion, they would hold a Crew Connect event at a local bar.  Individuals interested in the filmmaking process would... Read More


I’ve been to 21 countries, including my own.  I’ve had alcohol in 19 of them.  (The two alcohol free countries?  Japan and Luxemburg).  Alcohol has been part of my life—and probably yours—for a long time.  But not this October. This... Read More

Everything to know about ROMANCE in one sentence…

The most important thing in a romantic entanglement can be summed up in one sentence.  And that sentence is this:  The one that cares the least controls the relationship. In my illustrious career, I’ve been in some relationships where I... Read More