My "Affeer" with Vermeer

The following are links connected to the life and works of Johannes Vermeer.

Vermeer of Pittsburgh–via Delft
Tells the story of my journey to see all the Vermeer paintings in world and the artist’s Pittsburgh connection.
The Essential Vermeer website
I wouldn’t have been able to do what I did without this great site and its founder, Jonathan Janson. I met Jonathan in Rome where we had a one-hour private tour of an 8-Vermeer painting exhibit. The location was the Scuderie del Quirinale, a converted horse stable that now provides a great venue for art.
The Isabella Stewart Gardner Heist
Outside of what the Germans did to Jewish art owners in Europe, the greatest theft of art took place on March 18, 1990 in Boston. Thirteen pieces of art were taken in the theft, including three Rembrandts, but the robbery is best known because Vermeer’s The Concert was taken. Still an open case with a $10 million dollar reward for information leading to the recovery of the art.
Meet Vermeer
The complete works united: 36 paintings from 18 museums across 7 different countries.